Credits, Attribution and Disclaimer

Credits and Attribution

The BioSpring website uses some content and tools created by others under permissive licenses. When I put this site together, I took much inspiration and resources across the internet. Here is a list (I hope not to forget anything too important – tell me if you notice I used some of your tools or resources and didn’t credit you!).

Website editing and generation from org-mode files

Heavy inspiration from SystemCrafter’s website and the many resources it provides. I have followed many of David Wilson’s Youtube videos and started the basic layout of this site from the available Codeberg repository. This was essential for me to make the transition from the previous RapidWeaver website to the current one happen. I made slight adaptations, learning all along the way how things actually worked under the hood.

For the style (colors and fonts):

Again, I duplicated the style of SystemCrafter’s website as I liked the color and font setup very much. I copied it almost literally over to this website’s stylesheets etc.. I hope David Wilson will forgive me the heavy inspiration I took from his style. The fonts -as mentioned- are the same as used by David Wilson on the original SystemCrafters, namely JetBrains Mono (SIL OFL-1.1 license) and Iosevka Aile (SIL OFL-1.1 license). The color theme, I believe, is a mix between the dark Modus theme modus-vivendi and the doom-palenight theme from Doom themes.

General tools and workflows

The usual way I work requires a large number of tools that I cannot all thank here. Among the essential ones figures GNU Emacs and a broad range of packages for it such as org-mode.


All information on this website is shared as is, without any warranties and only based on limited experience on available computers and setups. Before applying anything to your specific case and re-using snippets of code, be aware that it is your responsibility to make sure nothing bad may happen (data loss, unintended information sharing, ..).

Here is the attribution for these works: